Further readings

This guide has touched only a minimal part of the tools offered by git.

git is a system made of more than 150 commands. each of which would require a specific chapter.

In order to have a complete list of available commands, run git help -a

git help -a
usage: git [--version] [--help] [-c name=value]
           [--exec-path[=<path>]] [--html-path] [--man-path] [--info-path]
           [-p|--paginate|--no-pager] [--no-replace-objects] [--bare]
           [--git-dir=<path>] [--work-tree=<path>] [--namespace=<name>]
           <command> [<args>]

available git commands in '/usr/local/Cellar/git/1.8.4/libexec/git-core'

  add                       config                    gc                        merge-one-file            relink                    show-ref
  add--interactive          count-objects             get-tar-commit-id         merge-ours                remote                    stage
  am                        credential                grep                      merge-recursive           remote-ext                stash
  annotate                  credential-cache          gui                       merge-resolve             remote-fd                 status
  apply                     credential-cache--daemon  gui--askpass              merge-subtree             remote-ftp                stripspace
  archimport                credential-store          hash-object               merge-tree                remote-ftps               submodule
  archive                   cvsexportcommit           help                      mergetool                 remote-http               svn
  bisect                    cvsimport                 http-backend              mktag                     remote-https              symbolic-ref
  bisect--helper            cvsserver                 http-fetch                mktree                    remote-testsvn            tag
  blame                     daemon                    http-push                 mv                        repack                    tar-tree
  branch                    describe                  imap-send                 name-rev                  replace                   unpack-file
  bundle                    diff                      index-pack                notes                     repo-config               unpack-objects
  cat-file                  diff-files                init                      p4                        request-pull              update-index
  check-attr                diff-index                init-db                   pack-objects              rerere                    update-ref
  check-ignore              diff-tree                 instaweb                  pack-redundant            reset                     update-server-info
  check-mailmap             difftool                  log                       pack-refs                 rev-list                  upload-archive
  check-ref-format          difftool--helper          lost-found                patch-id                  rev-parse                 upload-pack
  checkout                  fast-export               ls-files                  peek-remote               revert                    var
  checkout-index            fast-import               ls-remote                 prune                     rm                        verify-pack
  cherry                    fetch                     ls-tree                   prune-packed              send-email                verify-tag
  cherry-pick               fetch-pack                mailinfo                  pull                      send-pack                 web--browse
  citool                    filter-branch             mailsplit                 push                      sh-i18n--envsubst         whatchanged
  clean                     fmt-merge-msg             merge                     quiltimport               shell                     write-tree
  clone                     for-each-ref              merge-base                read-tree                 shortlog
  column                    format-patch              merge-file                rebase                    show
  commit                    fsck                      merge-index               receive-pack              show-branch
  commit-tree               fsck-objects              merge-octopus             reflog                    show-index

git commands available from elsewhere on your $PATH

  credential-osxkeychain  subtree

'git help -a' and 'git help -g' lists available subcommands and some
concept guides. See 'git help <command>' or 'git help <concept>'
to read about a specific subcommand or concept.

Probably the best way to know the details of each command is reading the respective man page.

To access the merge man page you have simply to run

git help merge

and you may do the same for all other commands.

But don’t get scared, you will not need to read the documantation of all commands: use the man pages as reference guide to be consulted when necessary, when you will need details on the specific command.

Learn git branching

Rather than jumping again in lengthy readings , I suggest to start practising.

A very amusing system to take familiarity with git is the wonderful Learn git branching, a very practical and very challenging guide, made of a set of exercises with increasing difficulty.

I consider it a must.

Face it, and make the effort of reaching the end : it deserves very much.


A much more practical and discursive reading than man pages is the lovely Scott Chacon’s ProGit.

You may buy the book on Amazon or you can read it for free online.

I warmly suggest to you to dedicate time to it: it’s considered one of the best books on git in circulation.
